Prayer is something that almost everyone does when things are tough and they are overwhelmed – even if they don’t want to admit to praying.
There are some prayer basics found in in every culture, religion, and spiritual tradition around the world.
Learn more about the various prayer traditions that I have been exploring:
I come from an Anglican (Christian) tradition and I studied Theology at McGill University. I have also experienced a number of different Buddhist, and Taoist traditions, as well as Hindu Sanskrit Mantra practice but I have been immersed in Shamanism for some 20 years.
I am going to be exploring prayer in these pages using approaches to pray and prayers that I have learned in a number of different traditions including Anglicanism, Pure Land Buddhism, Science of Mind, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Shamanism.
What is Prayer?
What is prayer? Prayer is an intensely personal communication with a higher source of power. For some this power maybe experienced as God, Creator, Great Spirit,Universal Mind, and so forth. For others it may be a personal deity or saint.
Prayers no matter what the culture deal with the most intense human needs and experiences including entreaties for material benefits, supplications for blessings, requests for opportunities, honouring Spirit, unburdening grief, releasing guilt, unloading afflication, woshipping, affirmaing desires, offering gratitude, wishing for escape from pain and suffering, and decreeing how things will be.
People of all races, genders, creeds, and cultures pray in many forms and styles.
Exploring Prayer
Learn more about prayer:
Reconnecting With Spirit
Learn more about steps you can take for Reconnecting With Spirit:
Explore with Richard
- Intuitive Counselling Services
- Explore and learn more about Reconnecting With Spirit.
- Explore My Points of Reference.
- Explore My Teachers, Guides, and Mentors.
- Explore My Recommended Reading.
- Explore My 365 Daily Inspiration.
"Be practical and expect miracles when you just take the first step forward every day." -Richard Edward Ward