Dr. Joe Vitale co-authored Zero Limits with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len a long time student of Morrnah Simeona and creator of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono.
Best Selling Author
Joe is the best-selling author of numerous books from The Attractor Factor to Attract Money Now. He has appeared in many movies, most notably as a standout star in The Secret.
A featured guest on television around the globe, he is an international celebrity and has an Internet following of millions. Thanks to the Remembering Process, Joe is now a musician with four albums to his credit.
Ho’oponopono Certification
Get trained and certified as a Ho’oponopono Practitioner.
The most in-depth, complete, and definitive online training ever created on ho’oponopono, including material never released until now.
Discover the cleaning and healing power of Ho’oponopono as a certified practitioner of the modern form of an age-old practice.
Learn more about this training and certification.